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Get Paid to Shop and Eat

This is a comprehensive list of over 180 companies that pay you to shop and eat and perform a variety of other fun tasks.

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Company Link Description
Westcoast Mystery Shoppinghttp://www.westcoastmysteryshopping.com Often gives multiple shops in the same shopping center. Adds up fast!
Signature, Inchttp://www.legendary.net Primarily shops hotels and restaurants within hotels.
Speedmark Information Serviceshttp://www.speedmarkweb.com Shops supermarkets, convenience stores, drug stores, bars, restaurants, etc. nationwide.
Confero The Service Resources Grouphttp://www.conferoinc.com Retail, grocery, and automotive shops. Site has listing of available jobs.
JKS Inc.http://www.jks-inc.com Mystery Shopping in Virginia, Maryland, Washington DC, West Virginia, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Texas and Arizona.
Michelson & Associateshttp://www.michelson.com Focus groups, mystery shopping, and survey research.
Datatronhttp://www.usd-datatron.com IThe financial industry's leading information resource. Evaluations provided in all areas: consumer, business, upscale, lending, and mortgage.
Anonymous Shoppers & Assessments of Pittsburgh (Ahttp://www.asapittsburgh.com Specializes in high-end restaurants, bartender accountability, wireless services, and specialty shops. When shop is performed satisfactorily, a check is issued within 7 days. (Pittsburgh, PA area)
Ritter & Associateshttp://www.ritterandassociates.com Nice people to work with.
Marketing Systems Unlimitedhttp://www.msultd.com Specialty is fast food but also shops sit down restaurants, hotels, c-stores, and automobile garages. Has full and part time positions.
Melinda Brody and Companyhttp://www.melindabrody.com Shop every type of community from production to custom to mobile homes.
Full Scope Mystery Shoppinghttp://www.fullscopemysteryshopping.com Restaurants, retail businesses and other service businesses.
Target Mystery Shoppershttp://members.tripod.com/~Mystery_Shoppers A small mystery shopping company in Dawson Creek, BC Canada.
Excel Shopping & Consultingmailto:info@xcelshop.com Based in Carrollton, TX. They shop apartment communities throughout the USA. Inquire about assignments via email to info@xcelshop.com. Shoppers should have Microsoft Excel or access to a fax.
Quality Marketinghttp://www.quality-marketing.com Shoppers typically paid a flat fee for each shop, varies. Pays well.
Capstone Researchhttp://www.capstoneresearch.com In-person and telephone mystery shop programs, store audits and customer intercepts nationwide for service providers and manufacturers - including financial, food service, specialty retailers, and manufacturers of consumer products.
CKA Group, Inchttp://www.ckagroup.com Variety of clients which include banking, retail, automotive and the hospitality industry. (Formerly known as Service Quest)
Apartment Shoppehttp://www.apartmentmysteryshopper.com Recruits shoppers nationwide to do what else, apartment shops.
Customer Perspectiveshttp://www.customerperspectives.com Restaurants, banks, department stores, specialty stores, and more. Site has listing of available jobs.
Rocky Mountain Merchandisinghttp://www.rockymm.com Mystery shopping, as well as resets, cut-ins, tagging, signage and audits. A sister company to Classic Demos. (CO, ID, MO, NM, NV, TX, UT, WY).
Certified Reports, Inchttp://www.certifiedreports.com Mystery shopping, theater checks and evaluations, and auditing. Site has listing of available jobs.
Ann Michaels & Associates, Ltdhttp://www.ishopforyou.com Employee Evaluations/Telephone Surveys/Employee target reporting
Grantham, Orilio & Associates (GOA)http://www.goashoppers.com Handles upscale restaurants, bars, hotels and casinos. Shops require long naratives.
Infotelhttp://www.infotelinc.com Varied assignments: retail, restaurants, service stations, financial institutions, cruise and tour companies, health and fitness clubs, and more. Site has listing of available jobs.
Petro Truck Stopshttp://www.petrotruckstops.com Shoppers need to be working truck drivers. Look under customer relations.
Service Intelligence - Secret Shopnet (SSN)http://www.secretshopnet.com Fast food, retail of all varieties and transportation shops. Site has listing of available jobs.
Service Checkhttp://www.servicecheck.com Nationwide Mystery Shopping company. A lot of online opportunities.
Greet America, Inchttp://www.greetamerica.com Nationwide for services which include greeting consumers at various venues for either credit solicitation or sampling, and visiting retail establishments for activities such as mystery shopping, placing take-ones, information distribution, etc.
Ken-Rich Retail Grouphttp://www.ken-rich.com Retail assignments. Site has listing of available jobs.
Quality Assessments Mystery Shoppers, Inchttp://www.qams.com Mainly fast food shops.
Customer 1sthttp://www.customer-1st.com Mystery shopping and on-site inspection service for the following industries: Banking, Retail, Fast Food, Fine Dinning, Medical, New Home Construction.
Retail Biz Consultinghttp://www.retailbiz.com Another great Mystery Shopping company - developed the SpyNet online system with over 15,000 shoppers.
imysthttp://www.imyst.com Market research services, mystery shopping programs, customer service evaluation, audits and assessments. Site has listing of available jobs.
Person to Person Qualityhttp://www.persontopersonquality.com A leading consultant to banks, mortgage companies, and non-bank lenders.
ServiceTRAChttp://www.servicetrac.com Senior housing and retirement, housing, automotive, retail, and more.
The Solomon Grouphttp://www.thesolomongroup.com Hospitality industry - restaurants and hotels.
DSG Associateshttp://www.dsgai.com Shops the retail food service industry.
Secret Shopping Serviceshttp://www.secretshoppingservices.com Areas include: apartments, retail, restaurants, government, professional (accounting, health care), grocery stores, coffee houses, travel industry, malls, fast food, and integrity issues. Contact secshopsvs@hotmail.com to apply.
Service Checkhttp://www.servicecheck.com Hotels, restaurants, retail, travel, and banking.
Allied Corporate Protective Servicehttp://www.alcops.com Specializes in Movie Theater Mystery Shopping.

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